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Monday, May 01, 2006

Saint Joseph the Worker

What emanates from the figure of Saint Joseph is faith. Joseph of Nazareth is a "just man" because he totally "lives by faith." He is holy because his faith is truly heroic.

Sacred Scripture says little of him. It does not record even one word spoken by Joseph, the carpenter of Nazareth. And yet, even without words, he shows the depth of his faith, his greatness.

Saint Joseph is a man of great spirit. He is great in faith, not because he speaks his own words, but above all because he listens to the words of the Living God. He listens in silence. And his heart ceaselessly perseveres in the readiness to accept the Truth contained in the word of the Living God.

We see how the word of the Living God penetrates deeply into the soul of that man, that just man. And we, do we know how to listen to the word of God? Do we know how to absorb it into the depths of our human personalities? Do we open our conscience in the presence of this word?

Pope John Paul II from Daily Meditations

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Prayer to Saint Joseph for the Spirit of Work

Glorious Saint Joseph,
model of all who pass their life in labor,
obtain for me the grace to work in a spirit
of penance to atone for my many sins;
to work conscientiously,
putting the call of duty above my own inclinations;
to work with gratitude and joy,
considering it an honor to use and develop by my labor
the gifts I have received from God;
to work with order,
peace, moderation and patience,
without ever recoiling before weariness or difficulties.

Help me to work, above all,
with purity of intention
and with detachment from self,
having always before my eyes
the hour of death and the accounting
which I must render of time lost,
talents wasted, good omitted,
and vain complacency in success,
which is so fatal to the work of God.
All for Jesus, all for Mary,
all after your example, O Patriarch Joseph!
This shall be my watchword in life and in death.


Saturday, April 29, 2006

Prayer for Vocations

O God, you sent your Son, Jesus,

to bring eternal life to those who believe.

I join him in praying for laborers for your harvest.

May your Holy Spirit inspire men and women

to continue his mission through your priesthood,

diaconate, religious life and lay ministry.

May this same Spirit make known your will for my life.


Peace of Christ to ALL

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Prayers after Holy Communion

What has passed our lips as food, O Lord,

may we possess in purity of heart,

that what is given to us in time, be our healing for eternity.

May Your Body, O Lord, which I have eaten,

and Your Blood which I have drunk, cleave to my very soul,

and grant that no trace of sin be found in me,

whom these pure and holy mysteries have renewed.

Who live and reign, world without end.

Peace of Christ to All
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