The kingdom of heaven is like to an householder, who went out early in the morning to hire labourers into his vineyard. And having agreed with the labourers for a penny a day, he sent them into his vineyard. And going out about the third hour, he saw others standing in the market place idle. And he said to them: Go you also into my vineyard, and I will give you what shall be just. And they went their way. And again he went out about the sixth and the ninth hour, and did in like manner. But about the eleventh hour he went out and found others standing, and he saith to them: Why stand you here all the day idle? They say to him: Because no man hath hired us. He saith to them: Go you also into my vineyard. And when evening was come, the lord of the vineyard saith to his steward: Call the labourers and pay them their hire, beginning from the last even to the first. When therefore they were come, that came about the eleventh hour, they received every man a penny. But when the first also came, they thought that they should receive more: and they also received every man a penny. And receiving it they murmured against the master of the house, Saying: These last have worked but one hour, and thou hast made them equal to us, that have borne the burden of the day and the heats. But he answering said to one of them: Friend, I do thee no wrong: didst thou not agree with me for a penny? Take what is thine, and go thy way: I will also give to this last even as to thee. Or, is it not lawful for me to do what I will? is thy eye evil, because I am good? So shall the last be first, and the first last. For many are called, but few chosen.
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Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Matthew 20: 1 - 16
Posted by
Steve Smith
8/17/2010 01:13:00 AM
Matthew 20: 1 - 16
Steve Smith
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I am a 68 year old single man from the mountains of Western North Carolina.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Saint Augustine of Hippo's Prayer to the Holy Spirit
Breathe in me, O Holy Spirit, that my thoughts may all be holy. Act in me, O Holy Spirit, that my work, too, may be holy. Draw my heart, O Holy Spirit, that I love but what is holy. Strengthen me, O Holy Spirit, to defend all that is holy. Guard me, then, O Holy Spirit, that I always may be holy. Amen.
Posted by
Steve Smith
8/10/2010 08:11:00 PM
Saint Augustine of Hippo's Prayer to the Holy Spirit
Steve Smith
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I am a 68 year old single man from the mountains of Western North Carolina.
Monday, August 09, 2010
A Prayer by Saint Teresa of Avila
O my God! Source of all mercy! I acknowledge Your sovereign power. While recalling the wasted years that are past, I believe that You, Lord, can in an instant turn this loss to gain. Miserable as I am, yet I firmly believe that You can do all things. Please restore to me the time lost, giving me Your grace, both now and in the future, that I may appear before You in "wedding garments." Amen.
Posted by
Steve Smith
8/09/2010 10:12:00 PM
A Prayer by Saint Teresa of Avila
Steve Smith
Catholic Prayers|Favorite Prayers|Prayer|Saint|
Catholic Prayers,
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I am a 68 year old single man from the mountains of Western North Carolina.
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