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Sunday, February 12, 2006

Come My Beloved

Come my beloved, come harken anew
Give ear to my pleading, my heart yearns for you
Come now, my beloved, I’ve called you by name
Formed you and shaped you to build me a home

Come now, my beloved, the hour draws high
The dark clouds are lifted, bright rays pierce your sky
No more shall the shadows of life dim your way
My Spirit will guide you and brighten each day

Come follow, beloved, the path I have traced
For you who are called to walk in my grace
Fear not, when the moments of dying appear
Unless you with me die, no fruit will you bear

So come my beloved, let love lead you on
Through suffering and death
Abba’s glory I won
So you too beloved, My glory will be
Surrender your weakness and live now in me

Friday, February 10, 2006

Mother of the Living

Hail Mary,
poor and humble Woman.
Blessed by the Most High!
Virgin of hope,
dawn of a new era,
we join in your song of praise,
to celebrate the coming of
the Kingdom
and the full liberation
of humanity.

Hail Mary,
handmaid of the Lord,
Glorious Mother of Christ!
Faithful Virgin,
holy dwelling of the Word,
Teach us to persevere
in listening to the word
and to be docile
to the voice of the Spirit
attentive to his promptings
in the depths of our conscience
and to his manifestations
in the events of history.

Hail Mary,
Woman of Sorrows,
Mother of the living!
Virgin spouse beneath the Cross,
the new Eve,
Be our guide along the paths of the world.
Teach us to experience and to
spread the love of Christ,
to stand with you before
the innumerable crosses
on which your Son
was crucified.

Hail Mary,
Woman of faith,
First of the disciples!
Virgin Mother of the Church,
help us always to account for the hope
that is in us,with trust in human goodness
and the Father's love.
Teach us to build up the world
beginning from within
in the depths of silence
and prayer,
in the joy of fraternal love,
in the unique fruitfullness
of the Cross.


God is your light

The Lord is my light and my salvation
whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the strength of my life
of whom shall I be afraid?

Psalm 27:1

When I sit in darkness,
the Lord shall be a light unto me.

Micah 7:8
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